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If you have a car or parts to sell, list here.
Contact: Spare Parts Director
For Sale
- 1937 Austin 7 Tourer, $20,000 ONO
Phone: Ian (0430) 179 831
- 1958 Matchless 600 Motorcycle, $15,000 ONO
Phone: Ian (0430) 179 831
- Holden Carburettor 1 and 5/32 inch Venturi to suit Holden 179ci/186ci.
Phone: Darryl (0417) 709 500
- Ladder Stabilisers, must be in good condition.
Phone: Phill (0408) 970 506
- Cowl Vent for 1933/4 Chevrolet Master Sedan
Ph:Tony on 0419 022 272
- 1924 Willy’s Knight All spares needed
Ph: Allan Cobcroft 0490 705 528
- 6v Delco Remy generator 1937
Bob Sullivan 0427 697 090