Friday, January 24, 2025

Brisbane Vintage Auto Club (Inc)


“BVAC - MotoFestivale 2019

23rd to 25th August 2019 – Old Petrie Town 

The “BVAC MotoFestivale 2019” event ran over three days, and celebrated the Brisbane Vintage Auto Club’s 50th Anniversary.

The Event was based at Old Petrie Town, Whiteside, Queensland.

Entrants participated in a range of activities during the 3 day event:

Car Displays (Static & Parades) – Community Engagement;

 Gymkhana;

 Historic runs to places of interest within the Moreton Bay region;

 Entertainment & Markets;

 Themed Formal Dinner with entertainment provided by Qld’s most loved performers “The Kitty Kats”;

 Social Gatherings, and friendly atmosphere;

President Glen Sorensen's Report on BVAC MotoFestivale 2019.

"I am so proud of the BVAC for hosting this wonderful event, the feedback received was

truly memorable. The final numbers (over 40 entrants) far exceeded the 2014 QHMC SE Qld

event which is outstanding to say the least. A big thank you to the other car club members

(QVVA, BNAAA, and the Bayside Restorers) that joined the BVAC in the 50th anniversary


A huge thank you to the BVAC sub-committee who realised the many months of planning

without too many problems. A special commemorative magazine will be produced compiling

the photos, program, and other items once things get back to normal. This edition of the

Vintage Views has a snapshot of some of the photos taken during the event.

During the BVAC MotoFestivale 2019, they were a lot of enquiries from people wanting to

join our club. The fellowship and friendliness of the BVAC is one thing that was consistently

talked about during the event. Growth of our membership makes the BVAC stronger whilst

engaging more with the community. As always please let the BVAC committee know if you

are aware of someone with an interest in the older vehicles, or even a member who has left

and wants to return.

©2012 Brisbane Vintage Auto Club (Inc)