Saturday, February 8, 2025

Brisbane Vintage Auto Club (Inc)


News�for�Brisbane Vintage Auto Club (Inc)


DTMR has now agreed to us having “Impromptu Events” here in Qld. They advise that “the Department of Transport and Main Roads is happy for Queensland incorporated car clubs to manage “impromptu events” on a case by case basis, as long as the event is added to the incorporated clubs newsletter, website or social media page.” They acknowledge it can be for “one or more” vehicles.

(Refer QHMC Bulletin 2018-1 – Special Interest Vehicle Scheme - dated 21st November 2018.)

It is up to individual clubs whether they want to participate in the scheme or not, and how they implement it.

The BVAC Committee has reviewed the QHMC Bulletin 2018-1 in regards to “Impromptu Events” and established guidelines so that BVAC members can work within the SIVS scheme, QHMC, BVAC constitution and our risk management procedures.

Check for details in your copy of Vintage Views magazine for details.

©2012 Brisbane Vintage Auto Club (Inc)